
Programming API

Audit Log Feature

Zuplo has a built-in auditing feature that can write output to a selection of data sinks.

If enabled, the Audit Log feature will log full details of

  • The request including URL, headers (optional), and full body (optional)
  • The response including status, headers (optional) and full body (optional)

These can then be written to a configured Audit Log Output Provider of your choosing, like AstraDB by DataStax. Contact to request a new provider.


While you can use it on any tier in working-copy, the Audit Log capability is an enterprise feature. Contact us to have Audit Logging enabled for your enterprise deployment. Pricing

Configuring Audit Log#

Audit Logging is enabled via a plugin that is registered in the zuplo.runtime.ts runtime extensions module; learn more about runtime extensions. Here we show an example configuring Audit Log to write to a DataStax Astra DB collection.

Note you must provide the full URL to the collection, e.g.


import {
} from "@zuplo/runtime";
export function runtimeInit(runtime: RuntimeExtensions) {
    new AuditLogPlugin(
      new AuditLogDataStaxProvider({
        xCassandraToken: "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
	include: {
	  request: {
	    body: false
	  response: {
	    headers: false

Note the use of options to disable capture of the full request body and full response headers.

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